ViaNett - Now a pure SMS specialist for you!
The SMS business market has experienced a growth in 2012 with more than 28 %. Never before have SMS messages been more popular for use for business purposes throughout the world!
Today's smart phones have become man's new “best friend”, and the development of applications and communications solutions for the mobile phone has exploded. ViaNett believes in a strong growth in the bulk market in the future, and we can see that the need for having a dedicated, reliable and a professional SMS provider will be a strong sales argument for us. High delivery rate, simple and straightforward SMS traffic monitoring and fast support are points we know will matter a lot to our customers. Our focus for the future is to become an even better SMS partner for our customers. We leave it to our customers to develop good platform solutions for using SMS. As part of our strategic plan to become more focused on SMS, we can confirm that the demerger of our web development department -
Kréatif - is now complete. ViaNett is now a pure SMS specialist, ready to help you.
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