
1Badly formatted requestBadly formatted request
10002User Doesn't Exist @ MNOUser Doesn't Exist @ MNO
10003System error received from MNOSystem error received from MNO on billing request.
10004Subscriber reserved against chargingSubscriber reserved against charging, e.g. too low amount on prepaid card, exceeded monthly limit or subscription barred
10005MNO usage limit exceededMNO usage limit exceeded
10006Illegal operator for MSISDNIllegal operator for MSISDN
10007Insufficient credit @MNOInsufficient credit @MNO
10008MNO was unable to process chargeMNO was unable to process charge
10009MNO was unable to process chargeMNO was unable to process charge
1001Insufficient fundsInsufficient funds
1002Transaction recoveredTransaction recovered
11005Invalid payloadInvalid payload
11006Unspecified errorUnspecified error
11007DeletedMT-SMS not delivered to handset
16Target suspendedTarget suspended
4Merchant login failedMerchant login failed
4001MNO_NOT_RESOLVEDThe subscriber's MNO does not have an agreement with Strex
4005REGISTRATION_REQUIREDThe subscriber must be registered with Strex to successfully execute this payment
4006CONFIRMATION_REQUIREDThis Payment requires USSD confirmation
4009AGENT_BARREDSubscriber is reserved against charging
4013AGE_UNKNOWNThe subscribers age is unknown. The subscriber must register at to successfully execute this payment
4014AGE_NOT_ALLOWSubscriber too young to execute payment successfully
4040Duplicate messageDuplicate message
4042Monthly transaction limit exceededThe subscribers monthly payment transaction limit is exceeded.
4043Rejected by subscriberPurchase authorization from subscriber is either declined or absent.
4046Technical error from MNOTechnical error received from MNO on billing request.
4071MNO_UNABLE_TO_SEND_USSD_MESSAGEMNO was unable to send USSD message
4072USSD_TECHNICAL_ERROR_RECEIVED_FROM_MNOEnd User pressed cancel in USSD dialogue (Telenor MNO) or MNO was unable to send USSD message due to a technical error
4073USSD_BAD_REQUESTMNO was unable to send USSD message due to syntax error in the request
4074USSD_ABSENT_SUBSCRIBERMNO was unable to send SSD message due to Absent Subscriber, i.e. not registered in HLR (phone turned off or out of reach)
4089TRIGG_FULL_USSDFull ussd registration triggered, sell rolled back.
4090AGE_VALIDATION_FAILEDSubscriber too young to execute payment successfully
4091NEW_REG_FLOW_ROLLBACKRegistration rolled back. The End User must be registered at to successfully execute this payment
4099DSF_LOOKUP_FAILEDSell response after triggering Full USSD registration, DSF lookup fails
5002GETOK_REJECTED_BY_SUBSCRIBERSell response, Easy USSD registration triggered, End User rejects registration confirmation
5003GETOK_REJECTED_DUE_TO_MAX_RETRY_PINSell response, Easy USSD registration triggered, max retry count exceeded for End User registration confirmation
5005GET_OK_FULL_REJECTED_BY_SUBSCRIBERSell response, Full USSD registration triggered, End User rejects registration confirmation
5006GET_OK_FULL_REJECTED_DUE_TO_MAX_RETRY_PINSell response, Full USSD registration triggered, max retry count exceeded for End User registration confirmation
5007USSD_DISABLEDSell response, USSD disabled (or no support) for MNO
5008GETSSN_REJECTED_DUE_TO_MAX_RETRY_PINSell response, Easy USSD registration triggered, max retry count exceeded for End User SSN input
7Access is denied for this function to the requesting AgentAccess is denied for this function to the requesting Agent
70Agent still has transactions outstandingAgent still has transactions outstanding